ABOUT ME:I was born in 1976, I’m from Vigo, although established for working reasons in Palma de Mallorca.
I started by chance in the world of photography with the rise of mobile telephony. From there I went to an SLR camera but there came a time when I felt that I needed to acquire certain concepts and I fully entered the world of analogue photography. This step taught me to better understand all photographic concepts and not only to see but also to look and think more about what I was doing. Currently, I photograph with what I carry at that time, be it a mobile phone, an analogue or digital camera because there is no better camera than the one you carry with you. Street photography allows me to take the camera and go out and look for the extraordinary within the everyday, be part of the whirlwind of everyday life, interact with people, try to tell stories waiting for that special moment to emerge and be part of them as a luxury viewer to see but above all to look. Those of us who practice this type of photography are capturing the day-to-day of what happens in our environment by generating an archive, and that for me is invaluable both personally and collectively and documentary. Progressive-Street Gang member. https://www.progressive-street.com/photographers#/pablo-abreu/ |
- Honorable mention in Paris International Street Photography Awards 2022
https://www.streetphotoawards.art/site/winners-gallery/spa-2022/single/contrasted/honorable-mention/3827 |
- Member of Progressive Street Gang
https://www.progressive-street.com/photographers#/pablo-abreu/ -Focus on Pablo Abreu https://www.facebook.com/events/767664536686695/ |
- Treviso Photographic Festival 2022.
treviso_photographic_festival..mov |
- Exhibition commemorating 5 years of Fuji X Series in Tokio.
http://fujifilm-x.com/5th_anniversary_pg/en/ |
- Radiografía de un Instante. Street Photography by Pablo abreu
https://www.facebook.com/events/767664536686695/ |